You turned against the teachers
And all their expertise
You turned against the pupils
In difficult days like these
You turned against opinion
Of varying degrees
You turned - you turned - you turned
You turned opportunity
To failure not success
You turned into this situation
Into un-needed stress
You turned down a chance
To do just what is best
You turned - you turned - you turned
You turned up the heat
When you could have turned it down
You turned education
into a battle ground
You turned this can of worms
Upside down and on the ground
You turned - you turned - you turned
You turned your backs on many
And chose to face the few
Now you want to turn the tide
In what you seek to do
Turn back time to change your lies
Into something true
you turned - you turned - you turned
Utterly Unfeeling
Unacceptable at best
Untrustworthy, Undone
Untenable Unimpressed
Unelectable and Useless
Ungraded in this test
U failed - U failed - U failed
By Paul Cookson