We are the unskilled,
at the other end of the curve from you.
Most of the time you don’t notice us
as we do what we do. Silently stitching
the fragile fabric that holds your life,
we are the unskilled, ghosting through
early mornings and late nights
so you can muse on higher things
in the comfort that you’re accustomed to.
There’s not much need to take heed
of us as we prop up the pillars
of your day for you
for we are the unskilled.
We grease the axles of your world for you
but kindness, perseverance
and determination too
are not quite deemed to be the same
as having letters after your name.
Yes we are the unskilled,
preparing, cleaning, polishing the board
on which you play your game.
By Joshua Seigal