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Lives Colliding

Piecemeal thinking, coffee drinking,

Bathroom’s grubby, bin is stinking.

Contract writing, workmate calling,

Tantrums frequent, child is bawling.

Team all furloughed, cat is snoring,

Face looks frightening, this Zoom call’s boring.

Children shushing, WhatsApp beeping,

Head is stressing, tricky sleeping.

Mind is boggling, eyeballs blurring,

Children hungry, brain is whirring.

Lunch is happening, hear voice snapping,

Frequent dreams of quiet napping.

Internal screaming, bursts of crying,

Status updates while bacon frying.

Guilt is building, waist is growing,

Fitbit mocking, steps are slowing.

Back is breaking, shoulder aching,

Kids pestering about cake making.

Clock ticking, doorbell ringing,

Child is screaming, emails pinging.

Resources draining, tempers fraying,

Want to walk but crap it’s raining.

Should be teaching, guilt is shaming,

Instead encouraging more gaming.

Eternal hoping, miracle praying,

Need some shopping, bills need paying.

Artwork approving, budgets shaping,

Dreams of running, short escaping.

Keyboard tapping, relationships straining,

Need more caffeine, still complaining.

Life roles blurring, all selfs colliding.

Had enough, feel like hiding.

By Michelle Stevens


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