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Gaslit By The Government

I feel gaslit by the government

I think I’m going mad

On the one hand I feel angry

On the other, I feel sad

I hear their explanations

And I see that folk agree

But I just don’t believe them

So then, what is wrong with me?

I feel gaslit by the government

I don’t believe their spiel

It’s breathless and it’s effortless

It doesn’t all seem real

Walks amongst the bluebells

And a drive to test your sight?

A moonlight flit in case things happen?

It doesn’t feel right

I feel gaslit by the government

They do not seem to care

That acting differently to us

Is palpably unfair

And when it’s pointed out and they say:

“Nothing here to see.”

I feel a creeping sense of dread –

The problem must be me

I feel gaslit by the government

They’re ready to move on

They tell me: “Wash your hands. Relax.

You just got this one wrong.”

And maybe that’s the truth of it

I guess I’ll wait and see

I feel gaslit by the government

But maybe that’s just me

By Conrad Burdekin


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